4/7/2022 Art & Culture: “Alive Art in the Renaissance” Exhibition

On April 7th, the Art & Culture group went to see “The Alive Art in the Renaissance “, our big thanks to the Italian Economic, Trade, and Cultural Promotion Office for facilitating the visit and our Honorary Member Anna Lisa for leading the English tour. Please click the link to see the photo album.
「藝文小組」4月7日在「義大利經濟貿易文化推廣辦事處」的安排下觀賞了「會動的文藝復興」沉浸式展覽,我們特別感謝Anna Lisa代表夫人帶領英文導覽;請點閱精彩照片連結:


“Alive Art in the Renaissance” Immersive Exhibition at EcoARK Pavilion


Time & Date: 09:30 am12:00noon, Thursday, April 7th, 2022

Venue: EcoARK Pavilion (get off at Metro Yuanshan Station’s Exit 1)

Meeting Point: 09:30 am at the ticket booth near the entrance.

Fees: NT$ 500 (Tickets, English audio tour devices, and gift)

Dear Members,

Situated inside the Taipei Flora Expo Park, the nine-story EcoARK Pavilion is currently holding the biggest immersive & multimedia exhibition with 200 plus digital masterpieces from the Renaissance era in Taiwan. The EcoARK itself is a landmark green building of the city, constructed over a decade ago with 1.5 million of recycled PET bottles, and is the world’s first fully functional polli-bricks building.

The immersive sound and light exhibition “Alive Art in the Renaissance” presents viewers with 200 plus classic works from 36 museums, art galleries and private collections around the world. It  consists of four sections: 1) A recount of 24 most famous Renaissance era painters and 1:1 duplicates of their masterpieces; 2) An array of HD LED Light Box display of digital artworks; 3) A 5-meter tall room with spectacular visual and Dolby sound effects-displaying 540 degree immersive show of 100 paintings by five Renaissance masters -Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Caravaggio; 4) A circular 9-meter high balloon dome, and the most impressive part of this exhibit : witness Giorgio Vasari’s fresco of “the Last Judgement” from the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flower in Florence. For more information, please check: https://youtu.be/846-gT2rbAs(English) &  https://www.gbyhn.com.tw/blog/post/2022renaissance

This visit is limited to 40 persons on a first-come, first-serve basis. We are very thankful to our Honorary Member Anna Lisa Giglio Ghini, who has suggested this wonderful program, and she has gracious agreed to lead the English guided tour for 10 members; the other 30 people will be provided with acoustiguide in Chinese language. Please RSVP to this email no later than March 31st (Thursday). This is a visit packed with modern interactive technology-through download marq+ App for augmented reality-the viewers can snap a photo with Mona Lisa and see snake-haired Medusa come to life, so please do come on the journey with us!

Best regards,

Susan Su Wang

Jessica Liu Chia (0970 583 038)




本次活動感謝本會榮譽會員Anna Lisa Giglio Ghini夫人推薦大家來體驗這場精彩的聲光秀,並親自為十位會員做英文導覽、另安排30具中文語音導覽機,讓大家自由觀賞。這項展覽有些有趣的互動式設計,可以先在手機上下載marq+ App掃描:Raphael’s “the School of Athens”, Botticelli’s “the Birth of Venus”, Caravaggio’s “Medusa”這三幅畫,看看有什麼噱頭;或者跟穿運動衫的Mona Lisa勾肩搭背拍照。在此愛心叮嚀:觀賞沉浸式的展覽,或許會覺得流動的光影讓人眼花撩亂,主辦人員提醒大家不妨坐在地毯上看。本活動名額為40人,敬請大家在331日(週四)前回覆本電郵報名,名額有限、報名請早,謝謝您的參與。

日期與時間: 47日(週四)上午9301200




報名截止日期: 331日(週四)名額40人。

參觀完畢,最後有廣大的紀念禮品區可採購種類豐富的產品。時近晌午,在花博園區裡的「集食行樂MAJI2」區也有好幾間各具特色的餐廳,可以享用午餐。請參考以下連結:http://www.majisquare.com/food_list.php?cid=1900 建議親愛的姐妹們先跟餐廳預訂位。


敬頌  春祺


賈劉仁薈(0970 583 038)
