02/27/2024 WTIC 2024 Annual Assembly & New Year Luncheon

What an incredible day it was at the WTIC General Assembly & New Year Luncheon! We’re delighted to announce that the event concluded successfully, filled with laughter, friendship, and wonderful programs that everyone enjoyed so much. A special highlight was the lucky draw, adding an extra layer of excitement and joy for all attendees!
Huge thanks to our dedicated Executive Committee whose hard work and dedication made this day possible. We’re immensely grateful for the support of every member who contributed to the success of this event! Now, let’s relive those heartwarming moments together by clicking on the Google photo album link below.

A message from the WTIC President, Joan Fuh.

As we approach the Lunar Year of the Dragon, I extend a heartfelt invitation to you from the WTIC Board to join us at the “WTIC Annual Assembly and New Year Luncheon.” The event will feature a special program, including the traditional Lion Dance, classic and contemporary dances, a captivating violin and pipa solo, and a fun Lucky Draw with raffle prizes donated by WTIC Board members. I anticipate your presence at the luncheon and wish you a joyful Year of the Dragon.
正值農曆新年佳節來臨,謹代表台北市迎新會理監事們向您拜個早年,誠摯地邀請您來參加「2024年會員大會暨慶祝新春午餐會」。我們企劃新春餐會的表演節目,除了增添新年祈福的祥獅獻瑞,傳統與現代舞,小提琴及琵琶演奏。表演節目勢必令人驚艷。迎新會的理監事們更是慷慨提供豐富的幸運摸彩獎品與會員們同樂!請您邀請親朋好友一起來歡慶一年一度的新春佳節!歡迎參加並請利用google form報名: