04/24/2024 EG Trip to PingLin Chingyuan Tea Factory

On an unexpected rainy day, we set out on our planned trip despite concerns about cancellation due to the weather. Over our 10 years of Exploration Group, we’ve planned our trips very cautiously, rarely letting anyone down.
Despite the rain, our trip was both enjoyable and educational, offering insights into how tea farmers respect their land and live harmoniously with nature. After drinking a cup of tea brewed to perfection, it’s like experiencing a moment of pure bliss. The taste lingers on your palate, leaving behind a sense of comfort and satisfaction, it was a delightful experience.
As we mark our 10th anniversary, we give you a Hakka scarf as a token of our appreciation and commemorate our trip to Chingyuan Tea Farm, thanks to your support. Let’s relive the happy moments by browsing through our Google photo album. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qf6kbJKSJAq6ZpCQA

EG trip to PingLin Chingyuan Tea Factory
Time: April 24, 2024, 9:00 am
Meeting point: MRT blue line, Nangang Station, Exit 2
Cost: $1,600 (Including DIY activity, tea tasting, bus and insurance)

April tour will focus on the development of the organic tea industry and why it is important? We will learn from farmers why they have embraced organic farming and how it benefits us. We will also learn how tea is produced: from the farm, to the factory and to our table. Finally, we will learn how to best brew tea and enjoy its delicious flavor. Chingyuan volunteers will also show us how to pick tea leaves, demonstrating which ones are ready to be harvested. So welcome to join us!

慈心基金會在新北市坪林區──翡翠水庫的集水區,輔導農民轉作有機茶,減少茶園使用農藥及化學肥料,保護大台北地區的水資源與水庫,走一條與山林共好的道路。我們的活動就從了解淨源茶場開始,​​​​從茶場,到工廠,再到我們的餐桌。 最後,我們將學習如何泡一壺最好的茶並享受它的美味。 我們也將學習如何採茶,曬茶及炒茶。午餐將在此享用有機素食料理。希望藉推廣有機農作來帶動社會大眾關心健康、關愛大地及關懷生命。歡迎一起參加!