10/18/2017 Exploration Group Trip to a San Hsia Indigo Dye Workshop/探索臺北,三峽藍染行


Taiwan has a long history of natural indigo dye production, peaking in the mid-19th century. The art was nearly forgotten but was preserved and revived in the town of San Hsia. Our next Exploration Group trip will be to the town of San Hsia, where we will visit an Indigo dye workshop. A specialist will guide us through the process of creating a scarf using the natural dyes. Each scarf will be unique, and a souvenir of our trip or a gift to a friend back home.

Following our indigo dye workshop near the old street in San Hsia our teacher and guide will take us to a river where indigo dye cloth was originally rinsed in the cool clear waters of this mountain stream.

Near the stream is a local restaurant where we will enjoy a set lunch together before walking down the steep path to the stream. Our guide will bring indigo cloth so we can try our hand at rinsing and cleaning in the traditional manner.

The workshop has limited space so our trip will be limited to the first 25 members to sign up, unfortunately there will not be space for guests on this trip. We will keep a wait list in case there are cancellations. Members who join this trip please keep in mind that we will be walking down a hill to the natural stream. Once at the stream water shoes are recommended. The water is beautiful and clean, but there are many rocks and stones so it is best to have water shoes and a change of clothes.

Cost for the Indigo Dye workshop, scarf, bus and lunch will be NT$1,700 . Please have this ready for collection at the meeting point. Exact change is appreciated.

Our group will meet at the intersection of Dunhwa South Road and Zhongxiao East Road in front of Shun Chen Bakery at 8:45. Please review the google map link . ➡️  集合點地圖

We plan to arrive at the Old Street around 9:30 where we will greet our guide. We plan to leave the Old Street at 12:00 and arrive at the restaurant by 12:30.

A set menu has been arranged, but let us know if you prefer a vegetarian option. After lunch, we will spend about an hour at the stream before our bus leaves at 2:30 to return to the Shun Chen Bakery meeting point

Sign up deadline is October 13th, but the tour may be full before that date. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

Olivia, Carol and Alison

Olivia: 0952281202

Alison: 0936061162


三峽老街巷弄裡的『陳家文秀才古宅』是我們此次探索的地點,古宅保持了古樸的原貌,結合了文創的實驗精神,傳承三峽藍染的技藝,因此,我們特別為您安排藍染DIY課程,經由老師的解說與教學,可以親自手作一條獨一無二的 藍染圍巾。您可感受到燦爛的陽光灑向古宅的庭院,親自手作完成後的藍染圍巾,稍經微風與陽光的吹拂,即可披掛於身上,那種感覺絕對令您感到無比的開心與滿足。除此之外,當日活動的高潮,將帶領大家來到三峽大豹溪,體驗早期婦女在溪邊漂染布的過程。從餐廳前往溪邊的步道將有一段約三分鐘的路程及 45 度的陡坡,三峽大豹溪的溪水清澈無比,山水呼應的美麗景色足以媲美國外的湖光山色。建議您備妥另一雙鞋子及一套衣服,以便溪邊漂染體驗時換穿之用。

此次活動因受限於古宅的場地,我們只能接受 25 位會員參加,午餐將安排在大豹溪邊的傳統餐廳享用當地特色料理,亦有素食餐點可供選擇,歡迎您一起來與我們體驗一場難得的三峽手作藍染之旅。

時間:十月十八日,星期三,早上 8:45 集合於敦化南路及忠孝東路的順成麵包。返回台北時間約在下午 3:30。

費用:$ 1,700,包括巴士,午餐及手作藍染圍巾。

請於 10/13 前報名,這次活動將以會員為主,限定 25 人,若是參加者踴躍,我們不排除擇日另辦一場以滿足您的期待。