WTIC President Charlene
Yang’s Remarks at the
Lunar New Year Luncheon on
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Madame Siew, Madame Wu, distinguished Guests, fellow members, ladies and gentlemen:
Good morning!

For us, the Lunar New Year holiday is a time to spend with family members and close friends. It is a great pleasure that we WTIC members and some of our friends can gather for today’s luncheon to celebrate the Lunar New Year like a big family. I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to you all: 恭喜發財! (May you be happy and prosper!)

This holiday season launches the lunar new year, prompting us to get together, reflect on the last year, and plan an even better year to come. According to our tradition, the year 2010 marks the third sign of our zodiac: the tiger. This majestic cat symbolizes passion, humanity, generosity, power and vigor.
Today, we will have the privilege of watching a percussion performance by the Taipei National University of the Arts, which is led by the world-renowned Professor Ju Tzong-Ching. Their vibrant and uplifting music will give us inspiration and energy to meet the new lunar year strongly. I would like to remind everyone that following the performance, a raffle will be held. We have our directors, supervisors and guests to thank for their generosity in providing the prizes.

We are blessed to live in a stable and peaceful environment and to have this opportunity to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We maintain an optimistic attitude about our future, but try not to take our good fortune for granted. As Taiwan has experienced severe earthquakes and typhoons in its recent past, we can fully empathize with other countries that have been struck by natural disasters as well. Therefore, when Haiti was hit by the devastating earthquake in January, our hearts went out to the family and friends of the earthquake victims in Haiti. We have our Board of Directors to thank for encouraging the WTIC members to make a donation to the Haiti Relief Fund at today’s luncheon. I truly believe that no matter the amount of our contributions, they will make a big difference to the efforts of the earthquake victims in Haiti to rebuild their homeland.

I hope all of you will enjoy today’s luncheon, which is sure to help bring us together as we gain a better understanding of one another. Now, May I extend to all present and on behalf of the Board, best wishes for good health, happiness for the coming year of the vigorous Tiger! Thank you !

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