Spring Excursion
Tour of Taoyuan
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tranquil scene in Back Cihu Lake,
former resort of late President Chiang Kai-shek
WTIC Vice-President Lisa Hsia presents
an appreciative plaque to the Representative
of the Tao-Yuan Tea Research Extension Station
Truly international WTIC members!

07:30 Meet at West Entrance of MOFA (Gong Yuan Rd.)

08:00 Departure; and simple breakfast is provided on the bus.

09:30 Arrive at Back Cihu Lake. Walking on the trails and embracing the bountiful greenery, we will learn about the story of the lake through the introduction of both Chinese and English guides.

12:15 Arrive at Tea Research and Extension Station and enjoy a delicious tea meal. After lunch, an expert will demonstrate the tea ceremony, followed by a visit to the tea factory.

15:30 Arrive at Nan-Kang Factory of I-Mei Foods, one of the leading food industry companies in Taiwan. We will visit the I-Mei Artifacts Museum and then either take a tour to its production line, or take a rice-dumpling DIY lesson. Light afternoon tea will be served afterwards ( Chinese or Western styles.)

17:00 Heading for home.

18:00 Arrive at MOFA.


07:30 外交部西側門集合(公園路)。

08:00 準時出發。

09:30 抵後慈湖。中英文導覽介紹歷史沿革。沿著委婉蜿蜒的湖畔,有步道、展覽館、休憩區。建議您穿著輕便走路鞋,伴著一片翠綠的湖光山色,湖濱漫步,難得浮生半日閒。

12:15 抵農委會茶改場。別緻的茶餐:燻茶鵝、龍井蝦…配著茶雞尾酒、茶果凍甜食。餐後茶博士示範教學,泡茶、品茶、學茶道,並參觀製茶工廠。

15:30 抵台灣優良食品產業之一的義美南崁廠。可參觀義美文物保存館及食品生產線,或包粽子DIY,二選一。備有下午茶:中、西式,亦二選一。

17:00 歡喜賦歸。

18:00 抵外交部西側門。期盼下次再出遊。

Relaxed WTIC members during excursion

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